How can integration make for the best possible end user experience for your members, attendees, speakers, and submitters? We thought we would offer you ideas that may be an option for
your organization.
Planstone’s API is available and can be used by your other vendors to pull your data from Planstone as part of your contract - it’s your data, you should be able to get it when you
want it.
If you should need integration that involves changes to Planstone’s API or for Planstone to push your data directly to another system (in house or another vendor), this requires an
IT consult with our Planstone IT staff and additional costs may apply to accommodate the programming.
Planstone integrates with Personify, Netforum and others to provide Single Sign On (SSO), simplifying the log-in process for client members.
We also integrate with many registration companies to offer up to date authority to attendees for accessing ticketed sessions, handouts, etc.
Planstone is your session/speaker repository therefore integrating with your AV company is the most effective way to connect your session/speaker data to where you need it during your meeting: electronic signs, presentation uploads, etc. and from your speaker management center.
Your mobile app company should be pulling your events data directly from Planstone’s API. Please ask your account manager for a demo.
We enjoy collaborating with other companies in providing the best possible experience for our clients. Please know that we are available as a resource for you, to assist you in achieving your goals. If you are in the process of looking for a new registration, AV, membership or mobile app vendor, please contact your Planstone Account Manager to set up a call with Planstone’s integration specialist, Bob Florian, to discuss how we may integrate with them.