Unlimited credit types, partial credits, ePoster credits, limits by day, limits by event, overlap checking, mutually exclusive credit types, MOC. We have been supporting accredited providers for 14 years and have seen it all, so whatever your business rules, chances are we’ve got it covered.
The process of claiming credits is simple and intuitive. Strategically placed hover hints give the user the exact information they need when and where they need it. Mistakes are easy to correct, problems are easy to avoid.
The same configurability you get with credit rules applies to certificates. All sorts of options are available for the certificate design, the data to include and who get’s what kind of certificates.
Users can transfer their own credits with a push of a button. Pharmacy credit recipients (ACPE) can transfer to CPE Monitor, American Board of Surgery credits are also transfer enabled *. Automated push to PARS by individual learners is under development and will be available this year. As the industry develops new API’s for transferring different credit types, Planstone will be there to let you take advantage of automation.
* ABS credit rules require a vendor to be the sole collector of credits in order to push
Collect, manage and review submitted abstracts and proposals
Full management capabilities of speakers, their information and their role in your meeting
Full-featured mobile support on any iPhone and Android device, cellular and tablet
Collect evaluations, tests and assessments that are linked to a searchable database
Focused on ease of use and is seamlessly integrated with our selection of optional modules
A quick and easy to use system to help collect, resolve and report on conflicts of interest
Designed to easily collect, manage, review, and publish handouts for use
Event Registration, Integrated Housing, and Marketing solutions